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Forum - Trey Lance Returning to 49ers This Year

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Trey Lance Returning to 49ers This Year
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Trey Lance Returning to 49ers This Year

There has been quite a few Trey Lance sightings in recent weeks.Lance had gone dark after his ankle injury as he focuses on his recovery. However, seeing him out of a walking boot and walking normally can get you thinking about his availability this season. Blake Bortles Jersey Kyle Shanahan had initially ruled out Lance for the season, but with the playoffs most likely in the 49ers' future, it wouldn't be out of the realm of po sibility that Lance is activated as a backup the rest of the way. Still, the chances of that occurring are slim and something that Shanahan views as only a "drastic" scenario."I haven't been told there's a chance," said Shanahan on Lance returning. "I think things would have to be pretty drastic. We weren't expecting much from the beginning. I think he is right on schedule with everything, but I have not been told there is a chance."Scroll to ContinueI don't expect Lance to return this year even with a Brian Allen Jersey deep playoff push, but I also wouldn't fully rule him out, either. Let's not forget who the starting quarterback of the 49ers is. Jimmy Garoppolo can easily get injured at any moment. He is an injury prone player. You just never know with him and cannot fully believe he will make it the whole season without something happening to him.The last thing the Robert Woods Jersey 49ers want is for Brock Purdy to start a playoff game. They would be better off with Lance if Garoppolo ever sustained an injury down the stretch. Aside from an injury scenario to Garoppolo that puts him on the shelf for multiple games, the chance of Lance returning is slim. Even if Lance is fully recovered and can start football workouts, he is David Long Jersey not going to supplant Garoppolo. The 49ers are going to stick with Garoppolo regardle s of Lance's status, which is the right call.Garoppolo is playing some excellent football right now and has been since Week 3 against Denver. He's taking care of the football, isn't making many other negative throws, and has been a factor for the offense sustaining drives. The 49ers are in good hands with Garoppolo if he can keep this up, which is always a huge if. So far, so good for the 49ers.Lance has barely started reintegrating himself with the team again, so it is back to mental reps for him like last season."It was cool just getting him to travel with us for the first time out in Cory Littleton Jersey Colorado," said Shanahan. "Being in every meeting and being able to go to all those places with us and have him in the Saturday night meeting, or in this case Sunday night meeting, before the game so we could go over all the third down and red zone stuff. Now he's preparing like he's playing except for everything on the field."

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